Join us via Zoom on Thursday, July 7 at 11 AM for Talk with a Doc: Arthritis and Osteoporosis with Dr. Stelios Koutsoumbelis of Catholic Health. Our bones and joints can take a beating just from living our daily lives. Join Dr. Koutsoumbelis to learn more about the advancements in orthopedic care and what simple measures you can take in your daily life to keep your joints nimble and bones strong.
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Over 50? Many health issues can sneak up on you! 6 in 10 adults have at least one chronic disease and 4 in 10 have two or more. The good news is that many of the conditions can be avoided in the first place or better managed with simple diet and exercise changes. If these conditions are caught early and treated promptly, you can prevent complications that are more serious in the future.
Join AARP Long Island and its partner the Long Island Health Collaborative to learn more about the actions you can take now to live a healthier life for good. Talk with a Doc is a series of FREE virtual Zoom events, held every other Thursday at 11 AM throughout May, June, and July 2022. AARP membership not required.