On a snowy Friday, dedicated grandfather and veteran mall walker Jim Brooks made his way out to the Long Island Health Collaborative office. Jim was randomly chosen as the winner of Are You Ready, Feet?™ drawing, and received a basket of prizes along with a Fitbit Flex – which he was about to buy himself.
With 143 activity logs and a total of 1,681.01 miles moved, Brooks regularly logged the steps recorded by his fitness tracker.
“My Fitbit died on me a little while ago,” says Brooks. “I was going to buy myself a new one, so the timing is perfect.” A pair of Brooks’ earbud headphones recently stopped working as well, and he was delighted to discover the three new pairs in his prize basket. The basket of prizes, all donated by LIHC members, includes t-shirts, gift cards, a lunchbox, a universal phone charger, an umbrella, key chains, phone accessories, and more.
Jim Brooks is a resident of Centereach, and the pile of items he received alongside his new fitness tracker were donated by partners of the LIHC specifically for the Are You Ready, Feet?™ winner.
In case you haven’t heard yet, the LIHC’s online Are You Ready, Feet?™portal allows users to track their physical activity by minutes moved, miles traveled, or steps walked. For each activity logged, users receive an entry into a random drawing for health and wellness prizes, like the one Brooks walked away with.
While chatting with the LIHC staff, we found out that for years, Brooks has been a participant of the Smith Haven Mall Walkers Club. The club is a safe and easy exercise program run by Stony Brook Medicine. The group meets once a month at Smith Haven Mall, and along with a health walk, the program provides a complimentary snack, blood pressure screenings, and an informative lecture on healthy topics by a Stony Brook expert.
Stony Brook University Hospital, which co-sponsors the walking group, has been a member of the Long Island Health Collaborative since the group’s inception in 2013.
If Jim can do it, so can you!
The real question is, what are you waiting for? Sign up today, and get those #ReadyFeet moving!